

1074 Uppsatser om Vector breeding site - Sida 1 av 72

Presence of Japanese Encephalitis virus vectors in Can Tho City

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a significant vector-borne zoonotic pathogen, causing devastating encephalitis in humans. Its geographical range includes a majority of Asian countries and has also been recognized in some western Pacific areas. The main vectors of JEV are mosquitoes belonging to the genus Culex. Birds and pigs function as hosts and virus amplifiers, whereas humans are accidental hosts. Japanese encephalitis is commonly regarded as a rural disease.

Vektorkvantisering för kodning och brusreducering

This thesis explores the possibilities of avoiding the issues generally associated with compression of noisy imagery, through the usage of vector quantization. By utilizing the learning aspects of vector quantization, image processing operations such as noise reduction could be implemented in a straightforward way. Several techniques are presented and evaluated. A direct comparison shows that for noisy imagery, vector quantization, in spite of it's simplicity, has clear advantages over MPEG-4 encoding..

Nyckelordssökning : Baserat på Vector Space Model

Då mängden information bara ökar, så ökar även behovet att ha åtkomst till informationen lättillgängligt. Detta skapar då ett behov för ett gränssnitt som kan söka bland informationen. I detta arbete har det undersökts om en implementation av Vector Space Model ger mera relevanta resultat jämfört mot en enklare implementation som inte baseras på Vector Space Model. Sökningen utförs i en relationsdatabas med ett inverterat index, databasen fylls med data ifrån internetforumet Stack Overflow. Genom att bygga en sökmotor som returnerade två olika resultatlistor för varje sökning så fick tio användare testa och utvärdera resultatens relevans.

Vector Displacement Mapping

Kontext: Displacement Mapping är en teknik som används inom 3D-spel för att skapa detaljrikedom i geometri utan att behöva triangelobjekt bestående av oönskad geometrikomplexitet. Tekniken har även andra användningsområden i 3D-spel, till exempel terränggeometri. Tekniken skänker detaljrikedom genom att i samband med tesselering förskjuta geometri i en normalriktning eller längs annan specificerad riktning. Vector Displacement Mapping är en teknik liknande Displacement Mapping där skillnaden är att Vector Displacement Mapping förskjuter geometri i tre dimensioner. Mål: Syftet med arbetet är utforska Vector Displacement Mapping i sammanhanget 3D-Spel och att antyda att tekniken kan användas i 3D-spel likt Displacement Mapping.

Vector Displacement Mapping

Kontext: Displacement Mapping är en teknik som används inom 3D-spel för att skapa detaljrikedom i geometri utan att behöva triangelobjekt bestående av oönskad geometrikomplexitet. Tekniken har även andra användningsområden i 3D-spel, till exempel terränggeometri. Tekniken skänker detaljrikedom genom att i samband med tesselering förskjuta geometri i en normalriktning eller längs annan specificerad riktning. Vector Displacement Mapping är en teknik liknande Displacement Mapping där skillnaden är att Vector Displacement Mapping förskjuter geometri i tre dimensioner. Mål: Syftet med arbetet är utforska Vector Displacement Mapping i sammanhanget 3D-Spel och att antyda att tekniken kan användas i 3D-spel likt Displacement Mapping. Arbetet jämför Vector Displacement Mapping med Displacement Mapping för att urskilja skillnader i exekveringstid mellan teknikernas centrala skillnader.

Binär matchning av bilder med hjälp av vektorer från deneuklidiska avståndstransformen

This thesis shows the result from investigations of methods that use distance vectors when matching pictures. The distance vectors are available in a distance map made by the Euclidean Distance Transform. The investigated methods use the two characteristic features of the distance vector when matching pictures, length and direction. The length of the vector is used to calculate a value of how good a match is and the direction of the vector is used to predict a transformation to get a better match. The results shows that the number of calculation steps that are used during a search can be reduced compared to matching methods that only uses the distance during the matching..

Komprimering av testdata för SOC : -En implementation av metoden vector repeat

Sammanfattning:De ökande testdatavolymerna som krävs för att testa moderna System-On-Chip (SOC) bidrar i hög grad till den ökande produktionskostnaden. De stora testdatavolymerna kräver stora och dyra Automatic Test Equipment-minnen (ATE-minnen). För att minska behovet av dessa minnen så har olika komprimeringsmetoder utvecklats.Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med att implementera en given komprimeringsmetod för testdata till SOC. Den metod som används heter vector repeat och den implementeras genom skapandet av ett för ändamålet avsett dataprogrogram. För att vector repeat ska fungera effektivt så förutsätts det att in- och utgångarna på den ATE som används kan delas in i olika portar.

Genomisk selektion och uppbyggnaden av avelsprogram hos mjölkkor

During the last decade a new technique in animal breeding has developed called genomic selection. It is based on estimations of the effect from genetic markers on traits that are calculated in a reference population. By genotyping individuals, genomic breeding values can then be estimated without phenotypic observations. The aim of this essay is to investigate the response of genomic selection on breeding schemes for dairy cattle. The accuracy of the genomic breeding values is affected by the proportion of observations included in the validation set and how often the equation for estimating breeding values is reevaluated.

Support Vector Machines for Classification applied to Facial Expression Analysis and Remote Sensing

The subject of this thesis is the application of Support Vector Machines on two totally different applications, facial expressions recognition and remote sensing.The basic idea of kernel algorithms is to transpose input data in a higher dimensional space, the feature space, in which linear operations on the data can be processed more easily. These operations in the feature space can be expressed in terms of input data thanks to the kernel functions. Support Vector Machines is a classifier using this kernel method by computing, in the feature space and on basis of examples of the different classes, hyperplanes that separate the classes. The hyperplanes in the feature space correspond to non linear surfaces in the input space.Concerning facial expressions, the aim is to train and test a classifier able to recognise, on basis of some pictures of faces, which emotion (among these six ones: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sad, and surprise) that is expressed by the person in the picture. In this application, each picture has to be seen has a point in an N-dimensional space where N is the number of pixels in the image.The second application is the detection of camouflage nets hidden in vegetation using a hyperspectral image taken by an aircraft.

Kan man genom kartstudier förutse häckningsframgång för ängshök (Circus pygargus) i Uppland? :

Montagu´s harrier (Circus pygargus) is a diurnal, Eurasian raptor, which migrates from its northern breeding grounds to winter in sub-Saharan Africa. In Sweden, its core breeding area is centred on the island of Öland, with a stable breeding population of approximately 40 pairs. The province of Uppland is on the northern end the distribution range, where 4-8 pairs have regularly bred since the 1980s. In Sweden, the Montagu?s harrier is classified as an endangered (EN) species. This classification is partly due to a lack of preferred nesting habitat, such as shrub-lands or dense wetlands with Claudium spp.

Filtrering av e-post ? Binär klassifikation med naiv Bayesiansk teknik

In this thesis we compare how different strategies in choosing attribute values affects junk mail filtering. We used two different variants of a naïve Bayesian junk mail filter. The first variant classified an e-mail by comparing it to a feature vector containing all attribute values that were found in junk mails in the part of the e-mail collection we used for training the filter. The second variant compared an e-mail to a feature vector that consisted of the attributes that was found in ten or more junk mails in the part of the e-mail collection we used for training the filter. We used an e-mail collection that consisted of 300 e-mails, 210 of these were junk mails and 90 were legitimate e-mails.

Redesign av en hemsida : Med sökmotoroptimering och användbarhet i fokus

This paper describes the redesign of a site (Kolonn.se). Some of the problems with the site were a lack of structure and a design that was unclear both visitor and search engines. The site now has a new design and structure that has been taking form in Axure prototypes that has been tested and applied into WordPress. The results are a site with a new main menu, new graphic profile and logo. Also SEO-adapted content such as correctly structured headers, meta tags, descriptions and key words that has been implemented in the content.


This project is a learning CD-ROM production aimed at first-time parents. It is using both sound and images, moving as well as non-moving. The purpose of the production is to be an interesting alternative to traditional books. We have been looking at similar productions like drivers license educational CD-ROMs and encyclopedias for inspiration and ideas on how to proceed. In order to give the content some dynamics, we've also added the element of 3D-animated sequences.

Deterministisk Komprimering/Dekomprimering av Testvektorer med Hjälp av en Inbyggd Processor och Faxkodning

Modern semiconductor design methods makes it possible to design increasingly complex system-on-a-chips (SOCs). Testing such SOCs becomes highly expensive due to the rapidly increasing test data volumes with longer test times as a result. Several approaches exist to compress the test stimuli and where hardware is added for decompression. This master?s thesis presents a test data compression method based on a modified facsimile code.

Camping : Vad, Vem & Varför!

What on earth do people see in camping? Why do they choose this compact living in their holiday? All that people in caravans who are put together in a camp site.The purpose of my study was to find out who and wy. My ethnographic study in a camp site with participation observations, interviews and analysis have results in facts that show why.The most common camper is the house owner with average income. And the choice of the camp site depend on the security and the service that the camp site offered. The camp site was controlled and the campers controlled each other.

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